ESU to Host Annual Authors’ Forum Series

Posted by: admin on March 19, 2015, One Comment
For anyone who ever read a book that left them wondering how the author got from the first sentence to the last word, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania is hosting the third annual author’s forum series titled “From Idea to Published Book,” which will be held on Thursday, March 26 at 4 p.m. in Lower Dansbury Lounge.
A panel of published ESU faculty members will discuss the goals and inspirations behind their works, while highlighting the mechanisms behind writing and publishing.
“We hope that the evening will provide a thought-provoking and entertaining venue in which the attendees will be able to learn more about the publication process in its entirety,” Lori Pierangeli, Ph.D., associate professor of nursing, said.
Participating in the panel are Christopher T. Brooks, Dr. phil., associate professor of history, Gregory B. Dwyer, Ph.D., professor of exercise science and Jane E. Huffman, Ph.D., distinguished professor of biology.
The books written by these authors will be available in the Kemp library holdings.
The event will begin with a panel discussion followed by a breakout session where the authors will answer questions from the audience. The evening will conclude around 5:30 p.m. This event is open to the public and is free of charge. For more information and to R.S.V.P. contact Dr. Pierangeli at 570-422-3564 or
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Lori Pierangeli
Posted March 20, 2015 at 11:31 AM
Will attend