ESU To Host Third International Sport and Coaching Summit With Chinese Culture University

Posted by: admin on June 26, 2013, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (ESU) Department of Movement Activities and Lifetime Fitness will sponsor its third annual International Sport and Coaching Summit from August 5-8, 2013. Sixteen faculty members, coaches, and doctoral students from Chinese Culture University, led by Professor Jasson Chiang, chairperson of physical education of the graduate institute of sport science, have been invited to participate in a series of information sessions about sport coaching science and practical sporting techniques in an effort to enhance sport performance in athletes. Faculty from the ESU Athletic Training, Exercise Science, Physical Education Teacher Education, Sport Management, and Movement Activities and Lifetime Fitness departments will deliver presentations on recent research. The summit is open to the general public at no cost.
Morning sessions will be held from 8-10 a.m. and 10 a.m. to noon in the Niedbala Auditorium in the Warren E. ’55 and Sandra Hoeffner Science and Technology Center and will feature lectures by faculty members. Session topics will include performance nutrition, injury prevention, team management, and performance enhancement as well as coaching methods directed at such sports as tennis, swimming, and weight lifting.
Afternoon sessions will be held in Koehler Fieldhouse from 2-4 p.m. and will feature discussion of coaching techniques.
The summit is being organized and led by ESU faculty members Kevin Casebolt, Ph.D., associate professor of movement activities and lifetime fitness, and Stanley Li-Ming Chiang, Ed.D., assistant professor of movement activities and lifetime fitness. Drs. Casebolt and Chiang will make presentations along with other ESU faculty including Shala Davis, Ph.D., department chair and professor of exercise science; John Hauth, Ed.D., department chair and distinguished professor of athletic training; Paula Parker, Ed.D, associate professor of sport management; Peng Zhang, Ph.D., assistant professor of physical education; Greg Dwyer, Ph.D., professor of exercise science; Chad Witmer, Ph.D., associate professor of exercise science; Matt Miltenberger, Ph.D., assistant professor of exercise science and Shawn Munford, Ph.D., assistant professor of movement activities and lifetime fitness. Participating coaches include Lisa Pizzuto, ESU head swimming coach and David Bennett, ESU instructor of exercise science and weight training coach. United States Tennis Association-certified professional tennis player Mohesh Koregaokar will deliver tennis coaching sessions.
For more information about the International Sport and Coaching Summit, contact Dr. Casebolt at 570-422-3230 or by email or Dr. Li-Ming Chiang at 570-422-3624.