University Store Manager Wins Battle with Brain Tumor, Continues Fighting War

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on November 8, 2016, 2 Comments
October 2017 update:
Lehigh Valley Health Netowrk has shared a story about Rick’s treatment — and an accompanying video.
Original article published November 2016:
Rick Franzo, department manager for the convenience store on the campus of East Stroudsburg University, will be the first “Survivor Emcee” of the American Brain Tumor Association’s BT5K in New York City. The 5K race will take place on Sunday, November 13 at Hudson River Park – Pier 81 at 9 a.m.
In 2009 Franzo was diagnosed with meningioma, a mostly benign brain tumor, the “size of a cheeseburger.” Since then his journey has been constant – a surgery that lasted over 10 hours, paralysis, rehabilitation, and coming to terms with the person he has become. “A brain tumor literally changes the person you are,” Franzo said. “You have to get used to the new you.”
Now, he walks, works, and lives what he describes as a relatively normal life. Those whose lives he’s touched over the years would call him anything but normal. He is committed to raising awareness about brain tumors. He’s written a book “How Horseshoes Saved My Life: A tale of two brain tumors” that is required reading for writing composition classes at ESU. He founded Tumor Talk, one of the largest brain tumor/cancer support groups on social media, and he’s the founder and facilitator of the first brain tumor support group for the Pocono Mountains and northern New Jersey. Franzo is also the creator of Brain Tumor Talk: Worldwide Radio Show produced at ESU’s radio station, WESS.
Franzo’s journey has also inspired him to become a motivational speaker. Whether he is speaking with college students at ESU or brain tumor patients, his message is similar. “You need to do whatever it takes to get where you need to go and achieve your goals.” Franzo reminds his audiences, “You want to make it through to the other side, because the other side is a pretty good place to be.”
That’s the message he hopes to share with participants on the BT5K. He’ll also be bringing his message back to campus when he speaks to ESU honor students on November 17 at 3 p.m. in Stroud Hall room 113.
2 Responses to “University Store Manager Wins Battle with Brain Tumor, Continues Fighting War”

I am a 13 year brain tumor Survivor and now my spine tumor crippled Survivor. I have been through so much but I have so much to tell others. I have written a book called who Moved My Lily Pad. It’s a book of trials and tribulations of a brain tumor patient and helping them find their new normal. Also wanting to speak to other patients to other people to give them what they need to be inspired in life through obstacles that are in front of them.
Michelle Canepa
Posted November 9, 2016 at 9:02 AM
Rick is one of the best and strongest people I know. I’m so blessed to have had the chance to work with him and still keep a friendship with him now. He has done so much for the ESU community and town in general.
Thanks for changing so many lives, Rick. I’m so proud of you! Even though I cannot physically be there sometimes, you will forever have my love and support!