ESU’s Business Accelerator Helps Student Pursue Entrepreneurial Endeavor

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on March 29, 2017, No Comments
Alan Reed, an East Stroudsburg University graduate from the class of 2013, found success as an entrepreneur with the help of ESU’s Business Accelerator. Reed launched his company Proud Development, LLC in 2015. The company develops web applications that generate revenue on a per-click basis. After working out of his kitchen for six months, Reed knew he needed a designated workspace where he could continue to grow his business. The Business Accelerator is a perfect fit for the young company. “I don’t know how much longer I could have kept working in my kitchen because it’s easy to get distracted there,” Reed said.
As an undergraduate student at ESU, Reed learned of the Business Accelerator via word of mouth and read about the Innovation Center online. Reed refers to ESU’s Business Accelerator as a valuable asset. He cites access to resources designed to help small businesses in the region and the ability to connect with other businesses as two of the most important benefits of joining the Business Accelerator program.
In addition to software and security engineering, Proud Development, LLC offers various client services ranging from website architecture to design and development services as well as security consulting. In 2016, Reed’s work took him to Norway to speak on cyber security issues including Bitcoin and the Darknet. He also presented at the High Technology Crimes Investigation Association (HTCIA) Conference in Las Vegas.
Proud Development, LLC recently finished, a tool created to help federal employees book affordable flights while traveling for work. The company provides a wide range of services including reporting and tracking malicious IP addresses, a free online resource where federal government employees can learn about pay schedules, and a global stock market clock that tracks opening and closing hours and holidays for markets around the world. Like any innovative entrepreneur, Reed credits necessity as the inspiration for his website creations. The construction of was prompted by his past experience working for the federal government.
In terms of his typical workday, Reed says he doesn’t have one. Between managing multiple websites and servers and meeting client needs, his workdays are unpredictable and include many late nights. When Reed is not busy running Proud Development, he enjoys traveling and spending time outdoors. Both Reed and ESU are excited to see the continued growth of Proud Development and the expanded opportunities for student internships. To follow Proud Development, visit or call 240-217-0790. For more information about the ESU Business Accelerator Program, call 570-422-7920.