ESU’s Communication Studies Department Participates in PCA Convention

Posted by: admin on October 28, 2015, No Comments
Four members of the East Stroudsburg University community traveled to York, Pennsylvania on October 9 to participate in the Pennsylvania Communication Association (PCA) Convention. This event, which took place on the Pennsylvania State University’s York Campus, was the 76th Annual convention of the PCA and featured scholarly presentations from faculty and students in the communications fields throughout Pennsylvania.
ESU was one of five institutions in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education to send representation to the conference. Other State System universities in attendance included Bloomsburg, Edinboro, Indiana, and Kutztown Universities.
Cem Zeytinoglu, Ph.D., associate professor of communication studies, presented his paper, “Women of the Green Politics,” as part of the panel titled PCA Past Presidents’ Panel: Translating Research Communication in Action Through Speaking and Listening.
In addition to presenting, Zeytinoglu also chaired the panel titled Communication, Culture & Conflict: Case Studies in Non-Violent Conflict Resolution from South Africa, the Gaza Strip & the Navajo Nation.” Zeytinoglu’s involvement with the PCA extends back nine years, during which he served as the editor to the association’s publication, Pennsylvania Communication Annual, and served as the president of the organization from 2011-2012. He joined the ESU faculty in 2006 and teaches courses in public relations, rhetoric, and communication theory.
Julian Costa, instructor of communication studies, presented his paper titled, “Smartphones and the Semantic Flatline,” as part of the panel titled Applying Multiple Translations of Communication Research. Costa, who joined the ESU faculty earlier this year, has been affiliated with the PCA for two years.
“The PCA Convention is an excellent forum for scholarly discussion and providing our students with professional development opportunities,” said Costa. “Since many students in our major wish to continue their studies at the graduate level, having presentation experience on their resumes will aid them in this effort.”
Bari Antell, a senior majoring in communication studies from Oakhurst, N.J., presented a paper titled “Defining Online Dating Based Upon the Coordinated Management of Meaning Theory.”
Melissa Valentovic, a senior majoring in communication studies from Bloomfield, N.J., presented a paper titled “PR Case on T-Shirt Brand.”
Both student papers were presented as part of the poster session on Saturday, October 9.
For more information about the Pennsylvania Communication Association, contact Dr. Zeytinoglu at 570-422-3911, or visit