ESU’s Lehigh Valley Center Continues Free Summer Roundtable and Lecture Series

Posted by: admin on July 31, 2013, No Comments
With the summer winding down and a new semester about to begin, tomorrow evening is the perfect time to visit ESU’s Lehigh Valley Center in beautiful downtown Bethlehem and participate in our continuing Roundtable and Short Lecture series.
The Summer Roundtable and Lecture Series is offered at no cost and open to the general public. Each event features short, topical presentations delivered by members of ESU’s faculty, followed by audience discussion. The lecture series is not only a chance for professors to share their most recent academic work with the community – these presentations offer ESU’s campus community an opportunity to develop a dialogue with local communities through an open exchange of ideas and shared experiences.
Join us this Wednesday, August 14, from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the Lehigh Valley Center located at 60 West Broad Street, where our series will feature lecturers Alberto Cardelle, Ph.D., ESU professor of health studies, and N. Paul Schembari, Ph.D., professor of computer science.
Dr. Cardelle will speak about the Affordable Care Act in Pennsylvania. The Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare,” will change the U.S. health care system through requirements that will be take effect over time. One provision is creation of health insurance exchanges. Pennsylvania is one of 28 states that will allow the federal government to operate its exchange, an online location for the purchase of health insurance. Dr. Cardelle’s talk will provide Pennsylvania residents a chance to learn more about what effect these changes will have and mean for the future.
Dr. Schembari will lead an interactive lecture and roundtable discussion on “Basic Steps in Securing Your Home Computer.” With technology advancing at an ever-increasing pace, people’s privacy and security are at risk every time they visit in unknown website, input a password, or use a credit card to make an online purchase. Dr. Schembari will demonstrate some simple steps that people can take to protect themselves.
Don’t miss out on this exciting series of interactive lectures! We hope to see you this Wednesday between 6:30 and 8:30 pm – light refreshments will be provided. For additional information or directions to ESU’s Lehigh Valley Center, contact Tom O’Connor by phone at 610-419-0412 or email at
Following this month’s Roundtable, the series continues September 11th with Samuel Quainoo, Ph.D., ESU professor of political science, and Kelly Harrison, Ph.D., assistant professor of athletic training. Dr. Quainoo will begin the evening with a talk titled, “The Other Side of the Immigration Debate: Developing Countries and the Brain-Drain Problem,” and Dr. Harrison will be the second presenter with a group panel titled, “A Discussion of Complementary Therapies in Rehabilitation.”
I look forward to seeing you there!