ESU’s Lehigh Valley Center Continues Free Summer Roundtable and Lecture Series With Discussions on Health Care in Pennsylvania; Securing Your Home Computer

Posted by: admin on August 2, 2013, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (ESU) continues its series of short lectures and roundtable discussions this month at its Lehigh Valley Center, 60 West Broad Street in historic Bethlehem.
The Summer Roundtable and Lecture Series is offered at no cost and is open to the general public. Each event features short, topical presentations delivered by members of ESU’s faculty, followed by audience discussion. The lecture series is not only a chance for professors to share their most recent academic work with the community, but, according to Jennifer Serowick, director of extended learning for ESU, these presentations offer ESU’s campus community an opportunity to develop a dialogue with local communities through an open exchange of ideas and shared experiences.
A roundtable scheduled for August 14, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the Lehigh Valley Center will feature lecturers Alberto Cardelle, Ph.D., ESU professor of health studies and interim dean of the ESU College of Health Sciences, and N. Paul Schembari, Ph.D., professor of computer science.
Dr. Cardelle will speak about the Affordable Care Act in Pennsylvania, and Dr. Schembari will lead an interactive lecture and roundtable discussion on “Basic Steps in Securing Your Home Computer.”
The Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare,” will change the U.S. health care system through requirements that will take effect over time. One provision is creation of health insurance exchanges. According to the Pennsylvania Insurance Department ( Pennsylvania is one of 28 states that will allow the federal government to operate its exchange, an online location for the purchase of health insurance. In addition to concerns about health care, there are also rising concerns about the security of home computers and electronic devices. In his presentation, Dr. Schembari will demonstrate one method hackers use to gain access to private computers and how to prevent it.
Another lecture/roundtable on September 11, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., at the Lehigh Valley Center, will feature talks titled, “The Other Side of the Immigration Debate: Developing Countries and the Brain-Drain Problem,” with Dr. Samuel Quainoo from ESU’s Political Science department and “A Discussion of Complementary Therapies in Rehabilitation” With Dr. Kelly Harrison from the Athletic Training department.
To learn more about these and other upcoming events that are open to the public, visit the Lehigh Valley Center home page at and click on “Events.”
ESU also offers accelerated degree programs at the Lehigh Valley Center for transfer students who are interested in completing a bachelor’s degree in an accelerated, convenient format. This fall ESU will introduce a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management – with concentrations in both Marketing and Management – to its roster of programs. Classes will begin October 14, and will be held on Saturdays. Undergraduate accelerated degree programs currently being offered include Computer Security and Public Health with concentrations in Health Services Administration and Community Health. ESU also offers a graduate degree in Athletic Training. This “Professional Practice Program” is ideal for students with a bachelor’s degree wishing to pursue careers in Athletic Training. Information sessions are held every Monday from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the center. No appointments are necessary. For further information about accelerated degree programs contact ESU’s Admission Coordinator Millie Román-Buday at 610-419-2516 or by email at
Meeting spaces within ESU’s Lehigh Valley Center are also available to community and business groups for large and small conferences at a nominal cost. Each room features state-of-the-art equipment, including smart podiums, dual-projector screens for video and computer presentations and video-conferencing abilities. There is also a computer lab with 35 work stations.
For more information about ESU’s Lehigh Valley Center or to schedule a tour or space for your event, please contact Tom O’Connor, ESU’s Lehigh Valley site coordinator, at 610-419-0412 or by email at