ESU's Office of Workforce Development and NEPIRC to Co-host "Value Stream Mapping for Administrative Areas"

Posted by: admin on April 13, 2012, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University’s Office of Workforce Development, in partnership with the Northeastern Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center (NEPIRC), will host “Value Stream Mapping for Administrative Areas,” on Friday, April 20 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the ESU Innovation Center.
Value Stream Mapping is a Lean Enterprise tool used to create a visual representation of all the steps required to bring a product or service from the customer request through the delivery of the product or service to the customer. Presented by Maureen Mulcahy, NEPIRC Project Manager for Lean Enterprise, the seminar is designed to help participants identify and prioritize activities in order to reduce lead times, improve accuracy and eliminate waste. During the seminar, participants will use the Value Stream Mapping (VSM) tool to create a current state map from a case study. This map depicts the process in its current state and highlights various attributes such as process time, lead time, accuracy and non-value-added activities. In small teams, participants then analyze the current state map and identify non-value-added activities. Finally, teams develop an implementation plan for eliminating the non-value-added activities. The seminar is designed for CEOs, CFOs, controllers, senior management, lean champions, managers, supervisors and others who may be involved in a company’s improvement activities or those who would benefit from being able to visualize the company’s critical business processes at a high level. “Value Stream Mapping for Administrative Areas” is also recommended for personnel responsible for authorizing company Lean Enterprise events or supporting the company’s commitment to Lean Enterprise.
The seminar, sponsored by NEPIRC, is $295 and reservations are required. Please register by April 17th at Space is limited. This training may qualify for funding support by the WednetPA Guaranteed Free Training Program.
ESU’s Innovation Center is located at Brown Street and Route 447 in Smithfield Township. For more information, contact Daria Wielebinski, ESU interim director of workforce development, at or 570-422-7952.