“ESyoU” Honoree of the Year Awarded

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on May 4, 2018, No Comments
President Marcia G. Welsh, Ph.D., presented the “ESyoU” Honoree of the Year award to Shawn Munford, Ph.D., associate professor of exercise science. This year’s honor was bestowed on one of eight candidates who were nominated by faculty, staff and students to be recognized throughout the 2017-2018 academic year for demonstrating student-centered service.
Other ESyoU honorees were: Douglas Lare, Ed.D., professor of professional and secondary education; Kizzy Morris, registrar/director of student enrollment center; T. Storm Heter, Ph.D., associate professor of modern languages, philosophy and religion; Kelly McKenzie, Ed.D., assistant professor of academic enrichment and learning; Lurine Allotey, secretary, multicultural affairs; Marianne Cutler, Ph.D., associate professor of sociology, social work & criminal justice; and Mike Santella, assistant football coach.