Events for Family Weekend 2012 – "It's Better in the Burgs"

Posted by: admin on September 15, 2012, No Comments
Area residents are invited to East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania’s Family Weekend, Friday, September 21, through Sunday, September 23, which is appropriately themed – “It’s Better in the Burgs.” The event highlights the boroughs of East Stroudsburg and Stroudsburg and will include trolley tours through both communities.
Other events include a family challenge at Stony Acres, the ESU student-owned and operated recreational area in Marshalls Creek; a classic car show; displays of art created by local residents, and a homemade cupcake contest. As a special treat, WVIA TV’s 2012 documentary, “Our Town: The Stroudsburgs,” will be shown on digital displays in selected areas of the campus. The one-hour video focuses on the people, places and happenings of East Stroudsburg and Stroudsburg, Pa., as seen through the eyes of its residents. All Family Fun Weekend activities listed below are open to the general public at no cost unless otherwise stated:
Friday, September 21
ESU Women’s Volleyball vs. Mercyhurst
5 p.m., Koehler Fieldhouse Gym
Come cheer on the ESU women’s volleyball team as they take on Mercyhurst. Tickets, which may be purchased at the gate, are $6 for those 12 and up and $3 for children under 12.
Sterling Strauser Gallery
7 p.m. – 9 p.m., ESU Innovation Center
ESU invites the general public to view works of the late, acclaimed artist Sterling Strauser at no cost at the Sterling Strauser Gallery at ESU, located at 562 Independence Road, East Stroudsburg. This new space features the works of the self-taught artist who lived and painted in East Stroudsburg from 1928 to 1995. A shuttle will transport visitors between the Warren E. ’55 and Sandra Hoeffner Science and Technology Center and the Innovation Center beginning at 6:45 p.m.
Saturday, September 22
Trolley Rides
12 p.m. – 2 p.m., Dansbury Commons
The free trolley rides will be offered in 20-minute intervals and will tour notable places of interest in East Stroudsburg and Stroudsburg.
Classic Car Show and Rides
9 a.m. – 2 p.m., Rosenkrans Hall Parking Lot
The State Employee Combined Appeal (SECA) will sponsor this event.
PoconoArtsSquared Art Exhibit and Sale
9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Keystone Room
Pocono Arts Squared provides an opportunity for artists in all disciplines to participate. Members of the Pocono Arts Council will present their artwork in the Keystone Room. More information concerning PAC is available from
ESU Women’s Volleyball vs. Edinboro
10 a.m., Koehler Fieldhouse Gym
Tickets, which may be purchased at the gate, are $6 for those ages 12 and up and $3 for children under 12.
ESU Band Rehearsal
11 a.m. – 12 p.m., Quad
Family Photos and the music of the Juggernaut String Band
11 a.m. – 1 p.m., Dansbury Commons
Stuff-A-Plush Workshop
11 a.m., University Center
One plush is free with an ESU student eCard. Each additional plush is $10.
Children’s Arts and Crafts
11 a.m., University Center Courtyard
Homemade Cupcake Contest Judging
12 p.m., Dansbury Commons
Join in the fun and bring your homemade cupcakes to be judged in the Homemade Cupcake Contest. Families are encouraged to bake a dozen of their favorite homemade cupcakes and bring them, along with the recipe, to Dansbury Commons no later than 11 a.m. Judging will take place at noon with prizes awarded to the top three selections. In addition to individual prizes, the grand prize winner will be honored by having his/her cupcake recipe become part of the students’ menu cycle in Dansbury Commons. For more information contact Brian Crawford at 570-422-3915.
Football Game: ESU vs. Cheyney
1:05 p.m., Eiler-Martin Stadium
Cheer on the Warriors as they take on Cheyney University of Pennsylvania. General admission tickets for the game are $10, tickets for reserved chair back seating area in front of the Eiler-Martin Stadium press box are $15, and tickets for seniors ages 65 or older and children under 12 are $5. To purchase tickets or parking passes in advance, contact Emily Stolkowski at 570-422-3578 or via email at
4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., Dansbury Commons
Dinner costs $7.
ESU Women’s Volleyball vs. Gannon
5:30 p.m., Koehler Fieldhouse Gym
Tickets, which may be purchased at the gate, are $6 for those ages 12 and up and $3 for children under 12.
ESU Women’s Soccer vs. Kutztown
7 p.m., Eiler-Martin Stadium
Tickets, which may be purchased at the gate, are $6 for those ages 12 and up and $3 for children under 12.
Sunday, September 23
Family Challenge
10:30 a.m. – 3 p.m., Stony Acres
The challenge course is a series of elements that give families the opportunity to solve interesting problems while building group cohesion. Typically a challenge course includes elements constructed of cables stretched between trees, suspended tires, logs and/or ropes. Some elements are at ground level, while others are 20 feet or more above ground. All elements are “challenge by choice” so that participants have control over the level of difficulty upon which they embark. Breakfast will be available for purchase at Dansbury Commons at 8 a.m. for $6. Lunch will be provided free of charge for participants at Stony Acres. The program fee is $10 per person. Registration is required by Friday, September 21. Call Ms. Madeline Constantine at 570-422-3334. All participants must have health insurance.
For information about ESU’s Family Weekend activities, contact Warren Anderson at 570-422-3463.