Faculty and Students in the News

Posted by: admin on February 12, 2014, One Comment
Jerome Taylor, a junior from East Stroudsburg, Pa., majoring in political science with a concentration in American government, recently attended The Washington Center’s Inside Washington two-part seminar from January 5-18 inWashington,D.C. The seminar gave students a chance to explore how bipartisan issues are approached in today’s government during week one from January 5-11. Throughout the second week of the seminar from January 12-18, attendees were provided insight as to how the media plays a big part in the way citizens view politicians.
Taylor said the discussion focused on how working together can benefit society and this should be of the utmost importance for politicians regardless of one’s political affiliation. While attending the seminar, Taylor had the chance to meet important political figures such as Candy Crowley, CNN’s chief political correspondent; Bill Plante, senior White House correspondent for CBS News; The Honorable Stephen G. Breyer, associate justice for the U.S. Supreme Court; and Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican National Committee and former Lt. Governor of Maryland, as well as many others.
The seminar made a lasting impact on Taylor. He was particularly impressed by Jason Grumet’s response to his question about the hardest topic he had dealt with in his position as founder and president of the Bipartisanship Policy Center. Grumet, Taylor recalled, explained that every topic is hard, but it’s essential to find someone’s bottom line and work your way up from there to an agreement.
“I will definitely add that way of thinking to my lifestyle when dealing with issues of compromising in the future,” he said. “The Washington Center Seminar was beneficial both academically and socially.”
During the seminar, Taylor visited many educational sites, including The Bipartisan Center, Capitol Hill and the Associated Press. He also took a bus tour of Washington, D.C, and participated in a week-long presentation called, “Finding Fair and Comprehensive Immigration Reform.”
Glenn Geiser-Getz, Ph.D., a professor in ESU’s communication studies department, has been approved by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board to serve as a Roster candidate for the Fulbright Specialist program. According to the website for the Council of International Exchange of Scholars, which administers the program, the Fulbright Specialist Program promotes linkages between U.S. scholars and professionals and their counterparts at host institutions abroad.
The program awards grants to qualified U.S. faculty and professionals in select disciplines to engage in short-term, collaborative, two- to six-week projects at eligible institutions in more than 140 countries. Previously, Geiser-Getz served for a year as a Fulbright Scholar in the Department of International Journalism at St. Petersburg State University in Russia. The Fulbright Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
Jeter Smith
Posted February 14, 2014 at 10:01 AM
Congratulations Jerome and Glenn on your accomplishments and opportunities!