Fall 2019 Provost’s Colloquium Series Returns with Factors Driving Student Success: Creating a Clear Path
Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on August 22, 2019, No Comments
The East Stroudsburg University’s Provost’s Colloquium Series, an intellectual experience that promotes dialogue among ESU faculty, staff, students, and community will continue this fall. The new semester of lectures begins with a presentation by Olivia Carducci, Ph.D., associate professor of mathematics, Bonnie Green, Ph.D., professor of psychology and Michelle Jones-Wilson, Ph.D., professor of chemistry. The presentation “Factors Driving Student Success: Creating a Clear Path” will take place on Wednesday September 4, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in Beers Lecture Hall and is open to the public at no cost.
Clear Path is a National Science Foundation funded program for facilitating students transferring from community college to ESU and majoring in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The primary goal of Clear Path is to better understand the role of malleable variables hypothesized to be associated with STEM student success, and their roll in high impact practices like common intellectual experiences, undergraduate research, and service learning. Using data from Clear Path Scholars the researchers have been tracking success predictors, such as, professional future sense of self and effective study behaviors. The group has examined the role that targeted active interventions have on students’ beliefs, attitudes, thoughts and behaviors and on successful completion of STEM associate and bachelor’s degrees. Through this process, they have codified the theory of the science of success, identified new variables, and created and validated new measures. They have led the way for numerous changes on campus, at community colleges, and throughout PASSHE, to help to create a Clear Path for STEM student success.
For more information about the Provost’s Colloquium Series, contact Christina McDonald, director, office of sponsored projects and research, at (570) 422-7954 or cmcdonald9@esu.edu.