Free Class on Concussions Thursday, August 2

Posted by: admin on August 1, 2012, No Comments
Concern over concussions is at an all-time high in all sports in the wake of lawsuits against the National Football League by more than 2,000 former players. East Stroudsburg University will offer a free course on recognizing and understanding concussion on Thursday, Aug. 2, from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. at ESU’s Innovation Center at 314 Independence Road in East Stroudsburg.
The course, offered in association with the Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania along with the Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers’ Society, meets the Safety in Youth Sports Act requirements for concussion education for coaches. The course constitutes one Continuing Education Unit for athletic trainers, as well.
The free course is not just for coaches and athletic trainers. It is open to all, including parents, who want to learn more about concussion. Topics include: understanding concussions and their severity; recognizing concussion signs and symptoms; testing for concussion; treatment, including steps for returning to activity; and how to develop or revise concussion management and prevention policies.
Registration is online at
For additional information please contact Gerard D. Rozea, Ph.D., ATC, at (570) 422-3065 or