High-Achieving Student Thanks ESU for Her Education

Posted by: admin on August 23, 2012, No Comments
It’s a rare 10-year-old who knows where she’s going to college but for high-achiever Brittany Anthony, there was never any doubt in her mind that she was ESU-bound.
In May, Anthony, 24, earned her master of education degree in instructional technology at East Stroudsburg University — and got a job in June — but she has been connected with the university since 1999. That year she was chosen as one of the top 10 students of Prince Hall Elementary School in Northeast Philadelphia, which put her in the running for a full scholarship to ESU.
In order to be one of two students each year chosen for ESU’s Prince Hall scholarships, Anthony had to continue to get good grades and keep ESU informed of volunteer work and other activities. She recalls the first time she attended the yearly brunch with faculty and Prince Hall scholars at ESU.
“I thought the campus was humongous,” Anthony says. “I was so excited. After that whenever anyone talked about college, I would say, ‘I’m going to East Stroudsburg University,’ ” she said. “It made me strive and continue to do well academically.”
She was tapped for the full scholarship and got her bachelor’s degree in communications studies and English. When she decided to go for a master’s degree, she chose the instructional technology program on the advice of Dr. Beth Sockman, coordinator of the graduate program.
Anthony received a Frederick Douglass Institute Scholar graduate assistantship, which took care of her tuition and paid a stipend. In exchange, she supervised the current and future Prince Hall scholars and worked on the Race Relations Project that holds discussions on diversity on campus. Throughout it all, she’s been able to count on guidance from her mentor, Dr. Patricia Graham, the head of the Prince Hall Scholarship and chairwoman of the Intercultural & Interdisciplinary Studies Department.
Last summer Anthony interned with a pharmaceutical company where she created online training courses for its employees. This year, she interned at MTV in New York City. Eventually, Anthony wants to start her own public relations firm.
She gives her Graduate College professors, especially Beth Sockman, high marks. “She’s been just incredible,” Anthony said. “She’s pushed me to go above and beyond.”
In June, she accepted a job with Intelladon, a Tampa, Fla., company that helps companies such as the Hard Rock Café and AOL and agencies like the IRS establish online training courses for their employees. The position as an E-Learning Support Specialist requires her to show businesses how to create and set up online training and then act as a troubleshooter in case of questions or problems.
“I love it down here,” Anthony said. “I love my job. My coworkers are very friendly and knowledgeable. There is a lot of room for growth in the company.”
“I’m so happy I had the education from East Stroudsburg,” she said.