Judges Review Submissions to Julianna V. Bolt Art Contest

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on December 14, 2017, No Comments
Geryl Kinsel, associate director, records and registration at East Stroudsburg University and member of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Planning Committee; Carrie E. Wetherbee, Middle Smithfield Township planning commission; Wayne Bolt, husband of the late Julianna V. Bolt; Joni Oye-Benintende, ESU associate professor of art + design; and Pat Lincoln, general manager of WSBG/WVPO, Connoisseur Media help judge the annual Julianna V. Bolt Art Contest Awards on December 13.
Entries were received from 40 students representing East Stroudsburg High School South, Stroudsburg High School, Pocono Mountain High School East and Pocono Mountain High School West. Winners will be announced at the 21st Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast on Monday, January 15, 2018 in the Mattioli Recreation Center on ESU’s campus.
Tickets are now on sale and may be purchased by calling (570)422-7000. General admission tickets are $40 per person, and ESU student tickets are $15. Proceeds will benefit the Gertrude Mary Smith Boddie Scholarship Fund, which provides financial assistance to undergraduate students of color at ESU.
Other judges for this year’s contest were: Clavertis Miller, member, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Planning Committee; and Neal Simpson, ESU professor emeritus of academic enrichment and learning.