Judges Review Submissions to Julianna V. Bolt Art Contest; Winners To be Announced at Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Breakfast

Posted by: admin on December 19, 2012, No Comments
Winners of the annual Julianna V. Bolt Art Contest will be announced at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Breakfast at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (ESU) on Monday, January 21, 2013, in the Keystone Room on the ESU campus.
Contest judges are shown here as they reviewed more than 85 student submissions to the contest representing East Stroudsburg High School South, East Stroudsburg High School North, Stroudsburg High School, Pleasant Valley High School, and Pocono Mountain High School West.
Judges for this year’s contest are: Helen Yanulus, features editor for The Pocono Record, Joni Oye-Benintende assistant professor and acting chair of art; Darlene Farris-LaBar, associate professor of art; Feno Volpe, ESU professor emeritus and local artist; Wayne Bolt, retired resident and community member service on the MLK Celebration Breakfast Committee; Julianna V. Bolt, ESU accounting assistant 1994-1996; and, Danelle McClanahan, director of diversity.
Reservations for the Celebration Breakfast may be made by calling (570)422-3179. Cost per person is $30 or $8 for ESU student.
Proceeds from the breakfast will benefit the Gertrude Mary Smith Boddie Scholarship Fund, which provides financial assistance to undergraduate students of color at ESU.