MEDLIFE East Stroudsburg University Invites Community to Play Dodgeball

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on October 9, 2017, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University’s chapter of MEDLIFE will host the 2nd Annual MEDLIFE Dodgeball Tournament on Sunday, November 19 at 5 p.m. in Koehler Fieldhouse. The tournament is open to the public. The cost of registration is $80 per team. Teams of eight, with two substitutes, can register by searching “2nd Annual MEDLIFE Dodge Ball Tournament” website.
“MEDLIFE is an organization that partners with low-income communities in Latin America and Africa to improve their access to medicine, education, and community development initiatives,” said Morgan Buchter, a junior majoring in biology from Cresco, Pa. Buchter is the president of MEDLIFE at ESU. “We achieve our mission through service learning trips, the MEDLIFE Project Fund, and student empowerment.” The group also volunteers in the local community. This semester they are partnering with Habitat for Humanity, AWSOM, and Lehigh Valley Health System.
For more information about MEDLIFE or the dodgeball tournament please contact Buchter at