Mike Green to Address ESU Students Thursday, Part of National Hazing Prevention Week

Posted by: admin on September 25, 2013, No Comments
Mike Green, a nationally-recognized consultant on drug and alcohol-related issues, will address East Stroudsburg University students on Thursday as part of National Hazing Prevention Week at the university. Green will hold a program for ESU’s student-athletes at 2 p.m. and ESU’s Greek organizations at 7 p.m. on Thursday. Both presentations will be in the Abeloff Center for the Performing Arts.
A former collegiate athlete and a recovering alcoholic, Green will speak of his first-hand experiences to raise awareness of the seriousness of a number of drug and alcohol-related issues on college campuses.
“I am very excited that Mr. Mike Green is coming to ESU’s campus,” said Doreen Tobin, D.Ed., vice president of student affairs at ESU. “He is a highly regarded speaker on alcohol and drugs and conveys a message relevant to today’s students by sharing personal experiences and lessons learned.”
Green has developed drug and alcohol programs for New Jersey high schools at the request of U.S. Senator Bill Bradley and has also produced programs for medical societies and professional sports teams, including the Philadelphia Flyers. He also has provided expert testimony in hearings before the U.S. House of Representatives.
An All-PSAC defensive lineman and coach at West Chester University of Pennsylvania, Green has also served as a high school athletic director and had a tryout with the Philadelphia Eagles after his collegiate career.
Over the past 18 years, Green has presented on more than 2,000 campuses nationwide in his effort to make drug and alcohol awareness and education an integral part of every student’s life. He serves as a consultant to the student affairs and athletic departments of numerous universities, including Boston College, Florida State University, Pennsylvania State University, Brown University, Princeton University, Hobart College and the University of Vermont. Green has appeared as a featured guest on various television programs including A.M. Philadelphia and People are Talking, as well as having had interviews published in The Chronicle of Higher Education and hundreds of campus papers.
Green has made it his life’s work to help young people avoid the perils of alcohol and drug abuse. He earned his master’s of education degree in health and physical education from West Chester University.
The Betty Ford Center, which specializes in addiction, treatment and recovery, reported that research funded by the NIH’s National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) found that over a recent seven-year stretch, alcohol-related deaths among U.S. college students, as well as heavy drinking and drunk driving, all increased.
Approximately four out of five college students drink, including nearly 60 percent of students between the ages of 18 and 20. In addition, about 1,825 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die each year from alcohol-related injuries, including motor vehicle crashes.
For more information about Green’s visit, contact Alyson Patascher at 570-422-3298 or apatascher@esu.edu.