Modern Languages Sixth Annual Educators Workshop, September 21, To Focus On Learner Identities and Interactions in Modern-Language Classrooms

Posted by: admin on September 9, 2013, No Comments
The Department of Modern Languages at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania will hold its sixth annual educator’s workshop on Saturday, September 21, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Dansbury Commons Lower Lounge, corner of Normal and South Green Streets. This year’s one-day workshop is titled “Learner Identities and Interactions in the Modern-Language Classroom” and will focus on the relationship between identity, interaction, and linguistic development in the modern-language classroom. The workshop leader will be Dr. Andrew Lynch of the University of Miami (Coral Gables, Fla.).
Dr. Lynch is an associate professor of Spanish and Latin American studies at the University of Miami, as well as director of its Spanish Heritage Language program. He is a nationally recognized expert in the field of bilingual and heritage-speaker education. In this workshop, Dr. Lynch will draw upon his research and teaching experience in the areas of heritage learners, language identity and pedagogy to conduct two sessions: “Learner identities in the modern-language classroom,” and “Learner interactions in the modern-language classroom.”
A catered lunch will be provided onsite, and five PDE Act 48 hours will be awarded to participants. The workshop is open to all interested parties, but traditionally attendees have been foreign language instructors at the K through 16 level who teach at schools from throughout the region.
To register, please visit by Wednesday, September 18. Registration for ESU faculty, staff, and students is free and there is a $20 fee for non-ESU attendees. For more information, please contact the organizers, Annie Mendoza, Ph.D., and Paul Creamer, Ph.D., assistant professors of modern languages, at