Nursing Professor Elected President of Pennsylvania Higher Education Nursing School Association

Posted by: admin on February 24, 2016, No Comments
Laura Waters, Ph.D., associate professor and chair of nursing at ESU, was elected as the president of the Pennsylvania Higher Education Nursing School Association (PHENSA), a statewide organization which helps baccalaureate and higher degree nursing education programs plan and implement programs for growth, development and advancement.
“I am very honored to have the opportunity to work with deans and directors of higher education throughout the state to plan strategically for the future of nursing education in the Commonwealth,” Dr. Waters said.
PHENSA was established in 1977 as a consortium of nursing education leaders in the Commonwealth. The organization strives to develop more effective communication with the general public, legislators and other interested communities regarding the goals of baccalaureate and higher degree nursing programs and the need for and utilization of graduates of these programs in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
For more information contact Dr. Waters at 570-422-3569 or