Pocono Mountains’ Theater Company in Partnership with ESU Department of Theater to Present Staged Reading of Stet

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on September 16, 2016, No Comments
STET, a new drama by Kim Davies, will open a series of three staged readings being presented this fall through a partnership between the Pocono Mountains’ Theater Company and East Stroudsburg University’s Department of Theatre.
The staged reading of this drama, will be presented Saturday, September 24 at 7 p.m. in Smith-McFarland Theatre of ESU’s Fine and Performing Arts Center, Normal and Marguerite streets, East Stroudsburg, Pa.
In the play, a young journalist is assigned to write about sexual assault on college campuses, but, to sell the story, she must find a unique angle. During her investigation, she encounters a student with a horrific story to tell. Determined to bring the events to light, this ambitious reporter refuses to let anything stop her – including the truth.
New York Times critic Alexis Soloski noted that “‘Stet’ — the title refers to a proofreading term that means “let stand’ — is at its best and most sophisticated when it examines the attraction that extreme and graphic reports of sexual assault hold, as opposed to blurrier, more commonplace narratives.”
The reading, which is recommended for adults and mature high school students, is open to the public at no cost. There is a suggested donation of $5 per reading.
Reservations for the reading are recommended, but not required. To make a reservation, email SarahT.Schwab@gmail.com, and include your name, the title of show, and the number of seats requested.
The Pocono Mountains’ Theatre Company is a newly formed, 501(c)(3) non-profit theatre company whose mission is to produce and develop diverse new works by American artists, both local and national; to cultivate and develop audiences to support the future patronage of American theater; and to provide a positive collaborative impact to the community, both culturally and financially.
For more information about the presentation, please visit the Pocono Mountains Theater Company website: PoconoMountainsTheaterCompany.org.