Political Science Club Talk to Senior Citizens about 2016 Presidential Election

Posted by: admin on April 18, 2016, No Comments
Four members from the political science club at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania visited the Shirley Futch senior living facility in East Stroudsburg, Pa., to discuss the upcoming primary elections, each candidates’ platform, and voting.
“The political science members emphasized the importance of voting and had an open discussion of the issues that senior citizens want to hear candidates talk more about at the local, state and federal levels,” Allison Simon, a senior majoring in political science and president of the political science club, said.
The idea to involve the senior citizens began in March when Samuel E. Quainoo, Ph.D., professor and chair of political science, received an e-mail from Sharotte Giberson, a social service worker from the non-profit organization Better Tomorrows. Ms. Giberson wanted to get senior citizens from Shirley Futch Plaza involved in the 2016 presidential election. Dr. Quainoo forwarded that email to Allison Simon and it took off from there. Students from the political science club were eager to talk politics with senior citizens.
Four students traveled to the facility on April 12 and spent a couple of hours talking to about 30 senior citizens. The students, who are all seniors at ESU majoring in political science, included Alison Simon, Anthony Ruiz, from Saylorsburg, Pa., Nichole Burkhart, from Old Forge, Pa., and Blair Williams, from Millrift, Pa. This visit to the Shirley Futch senior living facility aligns with PSC’s dual mission of promoting civic engagement and civic literacy. This visit to the Shirley Futch senior living facility aligns with the political science club’s dual mission of promoting civic engagement and civic literacy.
For more information on the political science club contact Kimberly S. Adams, Ph.D., professor of political science and adviser to the club, at 570-422-3924 or ksadams@esu.edu.