Political Science Professor Elected to General Council for Northeastern Political Science Association

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on November 16, 2017, One Comment
Kimberly S. Adams, Ph.D., professor of political science at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, was elected to the General Council for the Northeastern Political Science Association (NPSA) during the 49th annual meeting in Philadelphia November 9 – 11.
NPSA is an academic association that promotes the study of politics and government by supporting the professional development of its members. The Association is committed to upholding the highest standards for scholarship and research and to advancing the values of collegiality, intellectual diversity, and freedom of inquiry.
The NPSA General Council consists of 11 members who are elected by the general membership to two-year terms. Of the 11 members, one seat is reserved for an untenured faculty member; one seat is reserved for a graduate student in at least the second year of an accredited Ph.D. program; one seat is reserved for each of the four state or regional associations that constitute the geographical base of the Association for a total of four seats. The remaining five seats are elected at-large from the general membership, and any NPSA member may seek election to the General Council. Dr. Adams was elected as an at-large member by the general membership.
At the conference Adams gave a presentation titled Beyond Shelby: State Voting Laws and the 2016 Presidential Election. She also served as a discussant and chair for a panel on minorities in American politics.
Visit NPSA’s website to learn more about the constitution and General Council.
Chris Warburton
Posted November 17, 2017 at 8:50 AM