Professor Receives Prestigious Elmer B. Cottrell Award

Posted by: admin on December 14, 2012, No Comments
Caroline Kuchinski, Ph.D., professor of physical education at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (ESU), has been selected by the Pennsylvania State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (PSAHPERD) as its 2012 Elmer B. Cottrell Award winner. The Elmer B. Cottrell Award is the highest award bestowed upon a member of the organization, recognizing his/her exceptional service and leadership to PSAHPERD and to the profession. Dr. Kuchinski received the award on December 1, 2012, at the PSAHPERD annual convention at the Seven Springs Mountain Resort, Seven Springs, Pa.
Kuchinski has been teaching for 20 years in the ESU Department of Physical Education and is the coordinator for the graduate program in health and physical education. Kuchinski has been an active member of PSAHPERD for over 25 years and has held a position on the organization’s executive board for the last 21 years. Currently, she serves as chair of the Professional Preparation and Certification Division and as Eastern District Association (EDA) liaison to the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
Previously, she served a three-year term as vice president of the Physical Education Division, adviser of the Future Professionals Division, president of the Monroe-Pike Counties Association, and chair of the Aquatics Division. Kuchinski also was the leadership co-chairperson for several presidential projects. She was the recipient of the PSAHPERD Professional Honor Award in 2004, the Ethel Encke Service Award in 2010, and the Outstanding Teacher of the Year at the university level in 2011.
In addition to her services to PSAHPERD, Kuchinski has been very involved with the Pennsylvania Department of Education as an author and reviewer for the new Standards-Align System (SAS) physical education document. She has also been a lead instructor for four one-week summer Governor’s Institutes. Kuchinski’s dedication also extends to the national association level where she works with the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) as an accreditation reviewer for both initial and advanced programs.
Kuchinski has given over 100 presentations at the state, district, national and international levels on a diverse array of topics. She has published several articles and has in-house publications within her university. Kuchinski is most proud of her work as a K-12 curriculum consultant across the state inPennsylvania. In this capacity, she works with several public school teachers and administrators in developing standards-based curriculums that align essential content, assessments and learning activities with the state standards for health, safety, and physical education.
Prior to her work at ESU, Kuchinski was a health and physical education teacher for both the Stroudsburg Area and Tamaqua Area School Districts. Kuchinski received a bachelor of science degree in health and physical education from ESU in 1980, a master of science degree in health education from ESU in 1986, and her Ph.D. in human development: instructional leadership from Marywood University in Pennsylvania in 2003.
Kuchinski lives in Cresco, Pa., with her husband, Kevin. She has one son, Scott, who works and resides in Philadelphia.