Provost’s Colloquium Series Presents a Talk on: Are We So Different? A Comparative Examination of Student Self-Reported Value Prioritization and the Perceived Value Prioritization of Others

Posted by: admin on February 1, 2019, No Comments
The East Stroudsburg University Provost’s Colloquium Series, an intellectual experience that promotes dialogue among ESU faculty, staff, students, and community continues with a presentation by Carrie Maloney, Ph.D., associate professor of criminal justice and Darla Darno, Ph.D., assistant professor of criminal justice. The presentation “Are We So Different? A Comparative Examination of Student Self-Reported Value Prioritization and the Perceived Value Prioritization of Others” will take place on Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in Beers Lecture Hall.
Dr. Maloney and Dr. Darno will present their research, which seeks to better understand the dynamics—social and contextual factors—that may shape the perceptions of students in both criminal justice and non-criminal justice majors, and how this may in turn translate into subconscious biases. The inspiration for their research was their direct experience in teaching Criminal Justice Ethics. Students were asked to rank a set of values in order of importance to them and subsequently rank the same set of values according to how they believe ‘most others’ would rank them; several very consistent and illuminating patterns emerged.
For more information about the Provost’s Colloquium Series, contact Christina McDonald, director, office of sponsored projects and research, at (570) 422-7954 or