Provost’s Colloquium Series Presents a Talk on Open Educational Resources

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on November 21, 2018, No Comments
The East Stroudsburg University’s Fall 2018 Provost’s Colloquium Series will conclude with a presentation titled “Implementing Open Educational Resources (OERs) at ESU” presented by Megan Smith, assistant professor and chair of Kemp Library; Allyson Wind, electronic resources librarian; and Kelly O’Donnell, instructional support manager. The presentation will take place in Beers Lecture Hall on Wednesday, November 28 at 5:30 p.m.
The cost of textbooks are a significant expense in any student’s college education. With such high costs, a student might decide to forgo this purchase which could be detrimental to their class experience. One way to try and decrease this expense is to implement OER. Kemp library has started an initiative at ESU to support faculty members who utilize OER in their courses through the research, selection, remix, and implementation process.
The presenters will discuss their research, outreach efforts, how they created an OER week at ESU, and the challenges and successes they experienced during their first semester of implementing OERs with three faculty members. They will also share how they have worked with several different departments and disciplines across campus, raising awareness and improving the utilization of OER so students can have a superior experience at ESU. Lastly, learn how faculty members can be involved in this initiative and what support they can expect to be given.
For more information about the Provost’s Colloquium Series, contact Christina McDonald, director, office of sponsored projects and research, at (570) 422-7954 or