Psychology Professor Presents Seminars in Costa Rica

Posted by: admin on April 1, 2016, No Comments
About 175 people attended a talk by Anthony Drago, Ed.D., in Costa Rica, where he discussed suicide prevention, disorders of trauma and crises intervention, mood disorders, and anxiety in children and adolescents. Dr. Drago, psychologist and professor and chair of the psychology department in the College of Arts and Sciences at ESU, hosted five seminars at Universidad De Iberoamerica (UNIBE) in Costa Rica to provoke discussions on mental health issues within the country.
“Costa Rica is a highly educated country and they experience many of the behavioral health problems we do,” Dr. Drago said. “The seminars acted as a training in dealing with various disorders, and we were able to share commonalities and differences in diagnostic methods and treatment.”
Dr. Drago was invited to Costa Rica because of the existing relationship between the university and ESU.
“Dr. Drago’s visit to Costa Rica and his lectures at UNIBE are part of an important and growing collaboration between the two institutions that allow faculty and students from across the health disciplines to collaborate and learn from each other,” Alberto Cardelle, Ph.D., dean of the College of Health Sciences, said.
The biology department has been bringing students to the country for field experiences for more than two decades, according to Peter Hawkes, Ph.D., dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
“The initiative of the psychology department extends and strengthens the relationship between ESU and Costa Rica,” he said.
ESU will be sending its third group of students to UNIBE this summer through the college’s global health program.
“The opportunity to go to Costa Rica is very enlightening and rewarding,” Dr. Drago said. “It allows us to continue to build our relationship with UNIBE and build the ESU reputation internationally.”