Representative Karen Boback Named ESU Legislative Fellow for 2016

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on September 16, 2016, No Comments
Photo: East Stroudsburg University named State Representative Karen Boback the 2016 Legislative Fellow. Pictured left to right: Patrick Ross, chair of the ESU Council of Trustees; Andrew Whitehead, Ph.D., ESU APSCUF, Legislative Chair; Representative Karen Boback, 2016 ESU Legislative Fellow; Marcia G. Welsh, Ph.D., President of ESU; Andrew Kissling, Student Senate President.
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania announced the selection of its 2016 Legislative Fellow, State Representative Karen Boback, at a breakfast held in her honor on Friday, September 16.ESU President Marcia G. Welsh, Ph.D., introduced Representative Boback at the event to university faculty, students, staff and special guests from the community.
The Legislative Fellow program, established in 1999, is designed to bring state legislators to campus to participate in a variety of campus activities and to meet formally and informally with students, faculty and staff throughout the year. As part of the program, ESU Legislative Fellows may also request a student intern.
The program is co-sponsored by the university administration and the local chapter of the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF). Fellows are selected by a committee of faculty and administrators, and jointly appointed by the university president and the president of APSCUF at the beginning of each academic year.
Representative Boback is in her fifth term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. She represents the 117th Legislative District. She serves as the chairperson of the House Appropriates Subcommittee on Health and Welfare. She also serves on the Appropriations, Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness, Tourism and Recreational Development, and Agriculture and Rural Affairs committees.
Representative Boback earned a B.S. in elementary/special education from College Misericordia in 1973, an M.S. in elementary guidance from Marywood University in 1977 and a doctorate in organizational leadership from the University of Pennsylvania in 1985. In 2000 she earned a second master’s degree; M.S. in education with a specialization in technology from Misericordia University. She taught in the Tunkhannock Area School District for 33 years and served as an adjunct professor at Wilkes University and Misericordia University. As someone who highly regards community involvement, she participates in, The Greater Federation of Women’s Club –Harveys Lake, Dallas Rotary, Dallas Kiwanis, Harveys Lake Lion’s Club, Tunkhannock Business and Professional Women’s Club, Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce, Back Mountain Chamber of Commerce, The Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs and the Wyoming/Lackawanna County Farm Bureau.
Representative Boback resides in Harveys Lake, Pa. with her husband, Bernard J. Boback. She is the mother of Karen Boback Kriegel and Dr. Bernard J. Boback III.
For more information on the Legislative Fellow program, contact Miguel Barbosa, chief of staff in ESU’s Office of the President at 570-422-3545.