Senior Julianna Nori Uathavikul Selected To Deliver Student Address at Winter Commencement December 15

Posted by: admin on December 14, 2012, No Comments
Julianna Nori Uathavikul, a graduating criminal justice and sociology major from Cresco, Pa., has been named the student speaker for East Stroudsburg University’s winter undergraduate commencement ceremony on Saturday, December 15 at 10 a.m. in Koehler Fieldhouse. Uathavikul was selected from a pool of eight student speaker candidates.
Criteria for student speaker candidates includes: a minimum 3.0 grade point average entering the spring semester; a demonstrated record of service to the university community, and, a record of leadership and cooperation; demonstrate evidence of meaningful extra/co-curricular involvement, and; must be in good academic standing.
Ms. Uathavikul is a graduate of Pocono Mountain East High School in Swiftwater, Pa. While at ESU, Uathavikul has been on the dean’s list several times, completed an internship with the U.S. Marshals Service in Scranton, Pa., and studied abroad in China and Spain. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Delta, the international sociology honor society, and, as a student, she also completed certification in Stephen Covey’s “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” Uathavikul was an ESU Ambassador for one year and a hearing officer on the university’s Student Faculty Conduct Board. Uathavikul was also recognized for her student employee service with the President’s Certificate.
“ESU truly gives students access to amazing opportunities and I am one to believe that we are the creators of our own future. I feel that it is important to take advantage of these opportunities and be an active and productive member in society,” says Uathavikul. “I have worked hard at this university and I have worked hard for this university. I am honored to congratulate my fellow peers on our special day. I want to take this opportunity to remind other graduates that, in order to succeed, we must continue to educate ourselves and others while pushing forward to make our future and the future of our youth a better place.”
After graduation, Uathavikul hopes to pursue graduate studies in the field of criminal justice. She is the daughter of Mona and Vichit Uathavikul of Cresco, Pa. She has one brother, Vincent in West Chester, Pa.