Sigma Phi Omega Breaks Records with Donations for Pet Food Drive

Posted by: admin on December 2, 2015, No Comments
Sigma Phi Omega, the gerontology honor society at East Stroudsburg University, broke records with their annual pet food drive.
All proceeds were donated to the pets of Meals on Wheels clients.
They ended the food drive by collecting 68 cans of dog food and 270 cans of cat food.
Pictured from left to right are Katelyn Clancy, a senior majoring in speech-language pathology from Northampton, Stacey Koeck, administrative assistant for Monroe County Meals on Wheels, Fitz Clancy the dog, Elaine Shuey, Ph.D., professor and chair of speech-language pathology, Julie Rehrig, a senior majoring in speech-language pathology from Nazareth, and Alyssa Dinko, a senior majoring in speech-language pathology from White Haven.
For more information about the Sigma Phi Omega pet food drive, contact Dr. Shuey at 570-422-3861 or