Sigma Phi Omega holds Pet Food Drive to benefit Meals on Wheels

Posted by: admin on October 29, 2015, No Comments
Every year, Sigma Phi Omega, the gerontology honor society at East Stroudsburg University, hosts a food drive for the pets of Meals on Wheels clients. The individuals who are recipients of Meals on Wheels are usually homebound, which makes it difficult for them to secure food for their pets.
“We want to be sure these older adults can keep their pets for as long as possible,” Elaine Shuey, Ph.D., professor and chair of speech-language pathology, said. “It’s important for students to learn the needs of other people and what we can do to help them.”
The honor society will be accepting donations in Monroe Hall, room 224 until November 20. Pictures are posted on the first floor entryway of Monroe Hall of pets that will be helped, if anyone would like to donate to a specific animal. After November 20, the food collected will be dropped off at Monroe County Meals on Wheels.
Meals on Wheels is always looking for help, according to Dr. Shuey. They recruit drivers to help deliver meals and donations of money to pay for the food. Visit their website to find out more information:
For more information about the Sigma Phi Omega pet food drive, contact Dr. Shuey at 570-422-3861, or