Six Psychology Students Inducted into International Honor Society

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on July 30, 2018, No Comments
Six psychology students at East Stroudsburg University were recently inducted into Psi Chi: The International Honor Society in Psychology, during the psychology department’s Biannual Research Forum held on April 24 in the Niedbala Auditorium of the Hoeffner and Science Technology Center. Psi Chi holds the distinction of being the largest student psychological organization in the world, having over 700,000 members. Its mission is to promote excellence in scholarship and to advance the science of psychology. The ESU chapter was founded in 1980 and since that time, hundreds of students have become members. Reneé Boburka, Ph.D. and Irina Khusid, Ph.D., both associate professors of psychology, are the faculty advisers for this organization.
The six students inducted are: Teyonna Brown, from Bronx, N.Y., who recently earned her Bachelor of Science in psychology; Ingrid DaCosta, from Wilkes-Barre, Pa., who recently earned her Bachelor of Science in psychology and Bachelor of Arts in sociology; Kimberly Kagan, from Rockaway, N.J., who recently earned her Bachelor of Science in psychology, Casey Miller, a senior majoring in psychology from Sciota, Pa.; Courtney Peifer, a junior majoring in psychology from Halifax, Pa.; and Anthony Savercool, a senior majoring in psychology major from Wilson, Pa.
For more information, contact Boburka by calling 570-422-3328, or email