State System posts FAQs on Strategic System Review

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on March 1, 2017, No Comments
The planned strategic review of Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education, which includes East Stroudsburg University, continues to draw significant public interest, and to generate a number of questions related to what will be the eventual outcome of that review.
To help keep everyone informed about the process, especially those most directly involved—the students, faculty, and staff at the universities—the System has prepared a series of frequently asked questions related to the review.
The questions and accompanying answers are included in a message from Board of Governors Chairwoman Cynthia D. Shapira and Chancellor Frank T. Brogan that also provides an update on System advocacy.
Both the message and the FAQs are being made available publicly via the State System’s website and social media. The message and FAQs can be viewed at
Please feel free to use any of the information included in the message in any articles you may prepare about the forthcoming review. You also may share the link to the message and FAQs with your readers, listeners, and viewers. Thank you.
Kenn Marshall | Media Relations Manager
Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education
Office of the Chancellor
2986 North Second Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110-1201
717.720.4054; 717.329.0809