Student Senate Hosted Annual Teddy Bear Drive

Posted by: admin on December 7, 2015, No Comments
The holidays are a time for cheerful gatherings, warm cooked meals and the exchanging of laughter and presents. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to splurge on gifts. Looking to help members of the community this holiday season, East Stroudsburg University’s (ESU) Student Senate hosted their annual Teddy Bear Drive on Saturday, December 5th, providing a few extra gifts to underprivileged families in Monroe County.
Student Senate Vice President Dominique Washington, a graduate student at ESU, believes that every child should have a gift to open during the holidays.
“I know that we can’t provide for everyone, but we look forward to doing what we can,” said Washington.
Student Senate members started planning for this event in the beginning of August. Members have provided donations and asked other organizations as well as ESU faculty to help make the event a success. ESU’s Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF) and Pocono Medical Center donated books and toys for the underprivileged youth.
“Anybody that wanted to give was free to do so. Coming together as one force makes this event that much better,” said Washington.
Seeing underprivileged children is all too familiar for Washington who grew up in Philadelphia. He encountered many families who did not have the means to buy presents for their children.
“I’ve always been the type of person who wanted to give back. Our organization is fortunate enough to be able to help put smiles on these children’s faces,” said Washington.
Head Start, an organization that provides resources for Pocono community members, is helping bring families to the Teddy Bear Drive. Student Senate expected to provide gifts for a total of 39 children.
“It means so much to Senate that we can help during the holidays,” said Washington.