Student Senate To Hold 13th Annual Teddy Bear Drive

Posted by: admin on November 20, 2012, No Comments
The East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (ESU) Student Senate is conducting its 13th annual Teddy Bear Drive and has scheduled a holiday party for families in need from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Saturday, December 1, 2012, in the Keystone Room on the ESU campus. Various organizations, clubs, faculty, staff, and volunteers from the local community will help with the festivities.
In preparation for the holiday party, the student senate is conducting a toy drive on campus and in the local community. The Teddy Bear Drive receives many donations from different organizations in the community and benefits less fortunate families and children of the East Stroudsburg and Stroudsburg areas. Student senators are seeking new toys, games and stuffed animals that will be distributed to children at this party. Donations will be accepted through Wednesday, November 28, 2012. John Robinson, ESU director of student activities and the student senate adviser, says anyone wishing to donate may bring the items to the student senate office, room 219 in the University Center.
The student senate and the Salvation Army Food Pantry will sponsor this holiday party. Guests are being invited through the Salvation Army. A classroom from Head Start is also invited. Mr. and Mrs. Claus and his helper elves and the ESU mascot, Burgy, will attend, and there will be holiday-themed crafts and games for children. Santa will provide gifts, and snacks will be served.
Each of the university’s fraternities and sororities will donate Christmas trees and decorations that will be raffled off to the families in attendance. Sororities will help from 10 a.m. – noon and fraternities from noon – 2 p.m.
The Teddy Bear Drive party is free and open to the public.
For more information about the event or to make a donation, please contact Cassandra Emanuelli, student senate vice president, at 570-422-3417 or by email at or Robinson at 570-422- 3607.