Student Success Conference Focuses on Overcoming Obstacles

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on November 20, 2018, No Comments
Twelve members of East Stroudsburg University’s faculty, staff, and administration attended the 2018 Student Success Conference held at Shippensburg University November 15-16. The conference, presented by Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education, brought together over 200 administrators, faculty, and staff from across the 14 PASSHE universities to focus on the barriers and obstacles to student success and the concrete actions each university could take to improve student success.
Attendees from ESU were, from left to right: Cornelia Sewell-Allen, Ed.D., dean of student life; Joellen Cerra, university bursar; Alyson Patascher, instructor of health studies; Margaret Ball, D.M.A., interim assistant dean of the college of arts and sciences; Daria Wielebinski, director of career development; Joanne Z. Bruno, J.D., provost and vice president for academic affairs; Kimberly Adams, Ph.D., professor of political science; Jeffrey Weber,Ph.D., associate provost; Robert Smith, D.Ed., assistant vice president for institutional effectiveness, planning, and assessment; Jeffrey Hotz, Ph.D., associate professor and chair of English; Terry Barry, Ed.D., dean of the college of education; and Kelly McKenzie, D.Ed., assistant professor and academic advisor of academic enrichment and learning.