Superintendent, Dennis L. Riker Set to Deliver Speech at ESU’s Graduate Commencement Ceremony

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on April 26, 2017, One Comment
Dennis L. Riker ’85 M’90, Ed.D. will be the keynote speaker for East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania’s graduate commencement ceremony on Friday, May 5 in Koehler Fieldhouse at 6:45 p.m.
Currently serving as the Superintendent of Schools in the Nazareth Area School District, Dr. Riker has worked in the K-12 public education arena for 31 years. In addition to his public education commitment, he serves as an adjunct faculty member at ESU and Delaware Valley University, teaching graduate and doctoral courses and chairing/serving on dissertation committees.
Dr. Riker earned a both a Bachelor of Science in mathematics and a Bachelor of Science in secondary education from ESU in 1985, a Master of Education in educational leadership from ESU in 1990, and elementary and secondary principal certifications from ESU in 1991. He earned a Letter of Eligibility from Lehigh University in 1998 and received his Doctor of Education in educational leadership from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (collaborative cohort program with ESU) in 2007.
At the age of 28, Dr. Riker became an administrator in the Pen Argyl Area School District. During his time as an administrator, he has had extensive experience in the areas of labor relations, fiscal management, curriculum and instruction, and facility organization.
Dr. Riker and his wife, Denise, reside in Pen Argyl, Pa., and are very proud of their three children – Brett, a 2015 graduate of Bloomsburg University; Brittany, a 2015 graduate of ESU; and Gabrielle, a 2017 graduate of Moravian College.
Audrey Steiert
Posted April 30, 2017 at 11:51 AM
Congratulations Mr. Riker. As always, you are doing wonderful work for our youth. It never ceases to amaze me. You have left your mark on so many children including our own. Ryan Steiert, Jeffery Steiert, our sons have done amazing things with their lives. Ryan is in charge of the Security Department at the Riverside Hotel and Casino in Laughlin, NV as well as a Firearms Instructor and CCW Instructor. Jeffery is Deputy Director of Operations the 911 Center in Northampton County, PA. So you have impacted our children and now you have our grandchildren, Dari and Joel Steiert in Nazareth Area School District. They are Jeffery’s children and only 9 and 10 but I’m sure they’ll learn something from you.
Thank you so much, Dennis Riker!!! You are AMAZING.