Two Doctoral Degrees Awarded at Spring Commencement

Posted by: admin on June 11, 2012, No Comments
Two doctoral degrees, with a concentration in administration and leadership studies, were awarded during spring commencement exercises at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania on Friday, May 11 at 7 p.m. in Koehler Fieldhouse. M. Holly Morrison of Berwick,Pa., and Virginia Reiner of Flanders, N.J., earned their degrees through the ESU and Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) collaborative doctoral degree program.
Mrs. Morrison, the director of curriculum and instruction for the Berwick School District, wrote her doctoral dissertation on “Gender and Leadership: Educational Leadership through Feminine Eyes: Have the Barriers in Acquiring Education Administrative Positions for Women Changed in the Last Fifteen Years?” She earned master of science degrees in counselor education and elementary school administration in 1988 and 1994, respectively, from the University of Scranton, and a bachelor of arts degree in business education from King’s College,Wilkes-Barre,Pa., in 1983.
Ms. Reiner, the disabilities specialist in the department of academic enrichment and learning at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, wrote her doctoral dissertation on “The Relationship Between Perception of Academic Support Services and the Persistence and Integration of Undeclared Students.” She earned a master of arts degree in leadership in teaching from the College of Notre Dame of Maryland in 1998 and a bachelor of arts degree in art history from Hunter College, New York, N.Y., in 1975.
About the Doctoral Program in Education Administration and Leadership
The Professional and Secondary Education Department at ESU developed the idea for the collaborative doctoral degree program with Indiana University in 1999. IUP is the only university in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education authorized to grant doctoral degrees. The collaborative delivery program provides accessibility to the program for students who live in proximity to East Stroudsburg and the Northeast Pennsylvania region.
Applications for the fall 2012 cohort are being accepted through June 1, 2012. The three-year academic package is designed to provide continuous skill development in leadership, writing, reading, and research. The program is intended for school leaders wishing to further their knowledge, skills and expertise in the area of K-12 educational leadership. Applicants must also provide proof they have successfully completed a graduate program.
For more information about the doctoral program, including applying for admission/acceptance, contact Kevin Quintero, graduate admissions coordinator at (570) 422-3890 or, or Dr. Patricia Smeaton, professional and secondary education department, at or (570) 422-3374.