Two ESU Students Attend Undergraduate Women’s Leadership Institute

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on June 18, 2018, No Comments
Two students represented East Stroudsburg University at the Leadership Institute for Undergraduate Women. The institute provides a forum for the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) to nurture the leadership potential of women students. The Institute was held at the Mount Asbury Retreat Center in Newville, Pa. June 3-7.
Adrienne Castro, a senior majoring in social work from Philadelphia, Pa. and Denasia Mosteller, a junior majoring in criminal justice from Phillipsburg, N.J. joined nearly 50 women – students, faculty, staff – from the 14 PASSHE universities for the five-day Institute.
The agenda included a variety of workshops ranging from ice breakers and self-discovery exercises to concrete skill building sessions such as application of leadership styles, managing career and family, networking with other women, utilizing existing resources, and women’s health issues.
To apply to the Leadership Institute for Undergraduate Women students must have a 2.5 grade point average, have campus and/or community involvement, and demonstrate leadership skills. Participants are expected to use the skills gained at the Institute to initiate a project of their choosing during the upcoming academic year. Mosteller hopes to hold a toiletry drive for less fortunate women while Castro hopes to host a women’s empowerment event. The details of their campus projects will evolve as the 2018-2019 academic year commences.
ESU’s Women’s Center sponsored this year’s participants.
For more information contact Cornelia Sewell-Allen, dean of student life, by calling 570-422-3798 or email