University Service Award Presented At ESU’s Winter Commencement

Posted by: admin on December 19, 2012, No Comments
The University Service Award was presented at winter commencement ceremony at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania on Saturday, December 15, 2012, to Ms. Regan Zimmerman, a hotel, restaurant, tourism management major from Lebanon, Pa. The University Service Award is presented to an outstanding senior who has demonstrated exceptional service to the university through on-campus extra-curricular activities. To be eligible for the awards, a student must have attended the university for at least two years and have a cumulative grade point average of 2.60 or above.
Throughout her four years as an ESU student, Ms. Zimmerman was active in numerous campus organizations and held officer’s level positions in many of them. Ms. Zimmerman was also on the university’s dean’s list twice during her time at ESU. She served as a Student Senator for two and a half years and as a student representative on the University Senate for one and a half years. Ms. Zimmerman was a member of the university’s Strategic Planning Committee for one year and a member of Captain’s Council, a student organization comprised of the captains for all varsity sports teams, for one and a half years.
Ms. Zimmerman was a member of the ESU chapter of Lambda Iota, a local social sorority for four years, serving as treasurer of the organization two years. She was also a member of ESU’s Hotel Restaurant Club for three and half years and Eta Sigma Delta, the international honor society for hospitality management, for one year. She was a member of the ESU Golf Team and captain for three and a half years. Ms. Zimmerman was a finalist in the 2011 ESU Homecoming Court and received honors as a PSAC Scholar Athlete two consecutive years. She was a 2011 member of the Division II Athletic Director’s Association (ADA) Honor Roll.
She was involved as a volunteer in many community service projects including: Special Olympics, March of Dimes, American Cancer Society Pink Light Walk, ESU Student Senate Teddy Bear Drive, a campus can/food drive initiative, AWSOM animal shelter collections, Jared Box (a program to college toys and games for chronically-ill children). Ms. Zimmerman was also a participant in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s Walk for a Cure for two years and organized a golf tournament to benefit the American Cancer Society, “Tee Off For Ta-Tas.” Ms. Zimmerman was also a volunteer for the ESU Student Senate initiative, Community on the Quad.
Regan is the daughter of Kim and Dave Zimmerman of Lebanon, Pa.