WEDnetPA, ESU Career and Workforce Development to Allocate $374,871 in Training Grants

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on July 24, 2018, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University’s Career and Workforce Development office was awarded $374,971 for fiscal year 2018-19 to support workforce training though the Workforce and Economic Development Network of Pennsylvania (WEDnetPA). This represents a 25.6 percent award increase ($298,424) in comparison to last year. Funding for WEDnetPA is provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) and is intended to promote ongoing training for new and existing employees at various businesses. This investment strengthens the Commonwealth’s business environment to thrive in a global competitive environment.
The WEDnetPA Program provides qualified companies with funds to train their employees in essential skills up to $450 per eligible employee and in advanced technology skills up to $850 per eligible employee. Companies may qualify for a total of $75,000 for essential skills training and $50,000 for advanced technology training. Popular industry sectors utilizing WEDnetPA funding include advanced manufacturing, information technology, life sciences, healthcare, and environmental companies.
WEDnetPA Eligibility Requirements:
- Employers must be located in Pennsylvania or have a significant presence in the state
- Employees must earn at least 150 percent of current federal minimum wage, excluding benefits
- Trainees must be permanent full-time employees and eligible for full-time benefits
- Participation is limited to two years in a row and three out of the past five years
Note: Point-of-sale retail businesses, gaming establishments, training vendors, employment agencies, government agencies, government-owned facilities, education and nonprofit entities are ineligible.
Sharone Jones, director of career and workforce development, noted, “WEDnetPA is responsive to the needs of the Pennsylvania business community and enhances their ability to train and develop employees on new and relevant processes and technologies. ESU is a certified WEDnetPA partner authorized to apply for funding on a company’s behalf.” To find out if your company is eligible visit
For additional information and to apply, contact Jones by phone, 570-422-7952 or email