Weekly Construction Update (44)
Posted by: admin on September 2, 2011, No Comments
Following is a summary of construction activity planned for the week of September 5, 2011
New Student Housing Project: – (Project Manager – Tom Bartek tbartek@esu.edu Tel: 3038)
Work for both buildings are progressing well within the recovery schedule and the envelope system for Building ‘A’ is 95% complete, and 75% complete for Building ‘B’. Exterior louvers for the attic mechanical rooms will be installed by the end of the week. Mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire suppression systems and interior finishes are continuing. Exterior site work will include concrete work in the courtyard of Building ‘A’.
Expected Impact: Minor traffic flow interruption may occur along Isabelle Street to continue the street work improvement for concrete curb adjacent to the existing sidewalks and to create a new two-way vehicle entrance into the new Hawthorn parking lot, currently under construction and opening early November; and the asphalt walkway north of Dansbury Common, from Green Street to Isabelle Street is closed for underground steam line removal and replacement.
Monroe Hall Renovation Project: – (Project Manager – John Bloshinski II jbloshinski@esu.edu Tel: 3631)
Geo-thermal well drilling will continue in the quad and is expected to end by September 12, 2011. Interior demolition and asbestos abatement work will continue. Excavation at the south side of the building will continue allowing for the building to be opened up and exterior access to the ground level. Exterior wood trim is expected to be removed from the building. The construction fences installed around the site will remain in place for the duration of the project and entry will remain restricted to authorized personnel only (this will be a hard hat area).
Expected Impact: Noise from geo-thermal well drilling and demolition activity.
Marguerite St. Parking Lot:– (Project Manager – John Bloshinski II jbloshinski@esu.edu Tel: 3631)
Work has continues on the site across from the existing parking lot on Gwendolyn Street to create an additional parking lot for 102 cars. Work will continue on the storm water infiltration/detention system. Access to this site is limited to contractors and project related staff only.
Expected Impact: Noise, movement of construction vehicle around the site and possible dust.
Caution: You are requested to remain outside all construction sites that are fenced in (especially around Monroe Hall and the New Student Housing Project). In addition, we request that you remain careful while transiting near any of the construction sites because of the presence of slow moving construction vehicles that have limited maneuverability.
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