Well-Known Educator, Marketing Consultant Links The Use of Social Media to Job Search During Program at ESU February 18

Posted by: admin on February 4, 2013, No Comments
How can social media help you find a job? Future graduates of East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania hope to find the answer to this and other professional development questions during a program titled “Developing POP! A Professional Online Presence,” on Monday, February 18 in the Niedbala Auditorium located in the Hoeffner Science and Technology Center. Dr. Dawn Edmiston, marketing consultant and assistant professor of management and marketing at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, Pa., will speak about the use of social media to gain a competitive edge in one’s career search during two workshops to be held at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. The event is free and open to the public; however, reservations are required as seating will be limited.
Edmiston will share her more than 20 years of marketing experience in consulting, education and media sectors with her audience during these programs. She earned her doctorate in management from University of Maryland University College and an MBA from Columbia University. Edmiston has served in management roles with corporate giants such as the Discovery Channel, IBM and PricewaterhouseCoopers, and taught a broad range of management and marketing courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels at Howard University, Johns Hopkins University, Trinity College and West Virginia University.
In speaking about her program, Edmiston explains that her interest in social media as a professional presence came to her after hearing from her students at Saint Vincent College. One student commented that traditional career search methods no longer seemed to be effective. Based on that conversation, Edmiston sought to teach students how the social media networks they used in their personal lives could also be powerful tools in their professional lives. Her research and interaction with students has resulted in a ten-step process that emphasizes how students may establish a personal brand, develop compelling content, engage audiences and measure the impact of social media efforts.
“Professional branding is important to anyone who is searching for a job or building their career, “said Alla Wilson, Ph.D., dean of the ESU College of Business and Management. “Building a ‘Personal Online Presence,’ a form of professional branding, portrays you in a professional light and provides potential employers or professional contacts with a strong positive impression of a high caliber potential employee who can be a real asset to their organization. The job market is very competitive and we want ESU students to have the tools they need to present themselves with a very positive image to prospective employers.”
Immediately following the presentations, Edmiston will be available for consultations on developing an online presence. Those attending her programs are asked to wear business attire, as professional photos will be taken to feature in online profiles.
Dr. Edmiston’s visit to ESU is being sponsored by the College of Business and Management. To register for the presentation, contact Donna DePompeis at 570-422-3589 or ddepompeis@esu.edu. For more information about Dr. Edmiston, visit www.themarketingprof.com