WESS Celebrates College Radio Day

Posted by: admin on September 18, 2015, No Comments
College radio stations across the country are making a lot of noise — WESS, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania’s radio station, is no exception. On October 2 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m., WESS invites the general public to celebrate College Radio Day with them.
“College radio stations are often overshadowed by professional radio stations,” Brittany Winfield, a senior majoring in communication studies from Newton, N.J., and promotions director of WESS, said. “This is a day where we get to show everyone what we bring to the table and tell them how much college radio means to us.”
College Radio Day is a national holiday that Rob Quicke, general manager of WPSC FM, radio station started at William Paterson University. The aim of College Radio Day was to celebrate the contribution of college radio.Since 2012, the annual event is known internationally as World College Radio Day, as more than 30 countries around the world now celebrate this occasion.
ESU’s radio station will be celebrating the day on the Shawnee Quad, with live performances, games, refreshments and giveaways. The performances include Substance, an ant-bullying campaigner and rapper, Paper Jets, a band out of Princeton, N.J., Shakah Patah, a friend of ESU, and Gape. WESS will also be giving away CDs to the crowd.
For more information contact Brittany Winfield at bwinfield@live.esu.edu