Winners of Student Art Association Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on April 5, 2017, No Comments
Photo Caption: From left: Karen Mitchell Raptakis, Stephen Washington (juror) Devin Kagel, Kevin Wimmer, Alyssa Gonzales, Laura Hatch, Sean Smith and Dr. Marcia Welsh (juror)
Prizes were awarded recently to the top artists in the East Stroudsburg University Student Art Association Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition.
Gavel for Ruth Bader Ginsberg, a 3-D printed work by Alyssa Gonzalez, a sophomore from Allentown, Pa. majoring in art + design, earned the “best in show” award and also the prize for the best three-dimensional piece in the exhibit.
First prize was awarded to Dimples, an acrylic painting by Devin Kagel, a freshman from Saylorsburg, Pa. majoring in integrated art + design.
Kevin Wimmer, a freshman from Saylorsburg, Pa., majoring in art + design, earned second place for Patchwork, a work in glass. Wimmer’s Ascend, a laser-cut cardboard and acrylic paint work, earned an honorable mention.
Third prize was awarded to Madonna and Revenge of the Storm Pooper, a 3-D printed piece by Sean Smith, a junior from Effort, Pa. majoring in integrated art + design.
Honorable mentions were also awarded to: Karen Raptakis, a senior majoring in art + design from East Stroudsburg, Pa., for her mixed media piece, Landscape; Laura Hatch, a sophomore from East Stroudsburg, Pa., majoring in psychology, for her ink and water color work, Broken; and Arianna Kessler, a sophomore from Frackville, Pa., majoring in psychology, for an untitled drawing.
Pocono artist Stephen Washington, who has worked in graphic design, photography and painting, and ESU President Marcia G. Welsh, Ph.D., served as jurors for the exhibit.
The Student Art Association Annual Juried Student Art Exhibit, featuring more than 60 works in a multitude of media, continues through April 7 in the Madelon Powers Gallery of ESU’s Fine and Performing Arts Center, Normal and Marguerite streets, East Stroudsburg. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Thursday, and Friday, and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday. The exhibit is open to the public at no cost.
For more information about the exhibition, email or call the Fine and Performing Arts Center Events Line at 570-422-3483.