Home page for Robert Cohen
Robert Cohen
Professor and Chair, Department of Physics
Chair, ESU Council of Chairs
President, Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association
Department of Physics
East Stroudsburg University
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Office: 323 Science and Technology Building
(map location)
Phone: 570-422-3428
E-mail: rcohen@po-box.esu.edu

Courses Research/Interests Memberships ESU Sites
PHYS 126 (Introduction to Weather Forecasting) Meteorology AMS ESU
PHYS 131 (Fundamental Physics I) Science Education ASTE Physics
PHYS 132 (Fundamental Physics II) Textbooks/Lab Manuals AAPT PSED
PHYS 305 (Physics of the Atmosphere) ESU NSTA Student Chapter NSTA
PSED 446/546 (Teaching of Science in Secondary School) PSTA
PHYS 495 (Senior Capstone) AAPT-CPS

A not-so-brief history of my academic career and a look at my Ph.D. lineage.


Current Research (see notice)

My research focuses on the structure of winter storms. A set of Fortran-language, UNIX-based, computer programs (LAMPS 90; Limited Area Mesoscale Prediction System) are used to make realistic simulations of the atmosphere. I then examine the output to investigate the structures simulated (see mpeg file here; if it is too jumpy, try holding down the frame-by-frame button). If you are interested in joining me, please let me know.

Below I list a selection of papers and presentations I've made (if you want to see the others, let me know). Several are co-authored with Dr. David Schultz, Professor of Synoptic Meteorology at The University of Manchester. Information on the Cyclone Workshops can be found at here.

Science Education

I am very interested in improving science education and science teacher education in particular. Below I list a selection my presentations and publications (if you want to see the others, let me know).

Textbooks and Lab Manuals

I have written a junior-level text called An Introduction to the Physics of Weather Prediction and two volumes of an algebra-based physics text called The Fundamentals of Physics that I use in my classes (see links above). These can be accessed here. Each volume of the algebra-based physics text has an accompanying series of laboratory activities that are available separately.

Other Web Sites

The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by East Stroudsburg University.

Last updated: January, 2024.
