ESU Hosts PASSHE Interdisciplinary Association for Philosophy and Religious Studies (IAPRS) Conference, April 8-9

East Stroudsburg University is hosting the 29th annual Interdisciplinary Association for Philosophy and Religious Studies (IAPRS) Conference April 8-9. Presenters will include students and faculty members from ESU, as well as Edinboro, Kutztown, Millersville, and Slippery Rock Universities.

The two-day conference, which is held at a different Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education university each year, aims to provide undergraduate students the opportunity to present their papers for peer review in an academic conference, foster and develop critical thinking, and promote mentorship between faculty and students. The keynote speaker will be Gordon C.F. Bearn, Ph.D., a philosophy professor at Lehigh University.

The conference is open to the general public and it is free of charge. Following is the conference schedule and list of papers being presented.  For more information contact Heon Kim, Ph.D., assistant professor of philosophy and religious studies, at 570-422-3602.


Friday, April 8

5:30 p.m. Registration Opens, Science & Technology Center (SciTech) Lobby


Session 1: 6:00-7:30 p.m.

1A— SciTech 135 (chair: Dr. Tim Connolly)

Robert Poe (Millersville University), “Dear Theism: A Pragmatic Letter to the Religious”

Reshard Neal (East Stroudsburg University), “Freedom and Happiness”

Dr. Martin Weatherston (East Stroudsburg University), “If there is morality, I am a Bad Person”


1B— SciTech 136 (chair: Dr. Storm Heter)

Kacie Scibilia (East Stroudsburg University), “A Philosophical Approach to War: Von Clausewitz and Hegel”

Corbin Sterling Fowler (Edinboro University), “Dismantling the Propaganda Machine: Using Theology to Differentiate Between Moderate and Radical Islam”

Dr. Andrew M. Winters (Slippery Rock University), “Metaphysics Without Substance”


Saturday, April 9


8:00 a.m. Registration Opens, Science & Technology Center Lobby


Session 2: 9:00-10:30 a.m.

2A— SciTech 135 (chair: Dr. Tom Sparrow)

Timothy Appleby (East Stroudsburg University), “Buddha Would Call Me a Masochist: The Case for Existential Happiness”

David Potsubay (Slippery Rock University), “Pure Experience and Nihility: The Place of Religion in Nishida and Nishitani”

Dr. John Kaiser Ortiz (Millersville University), “The I’s of the Spanish Inquisition Are Upon You: Sor Juana and the Force of 17th Century Mexican Circumstance”


2B— SciTech 136 (chair: Dr. Corbin Fowler)

Isaiah Williams (East Stroudsburg University), “The Innate Heart of Man, My Favorite Myth”

Margaret Calvert (Slippery Rock University), “Is Pornography to Blame for the Violence Against Women?”

Dr. Allan Bäck (Kutztown University), “A Solution or Two for the Liar Paradox”


2C— SciTech 137 (chair: Dr. Andrew Colvin)

Robert Diehl (Edinboro University), “Reconciling Constructed Realities: The Epistemological Function of News Media in a Democracy”

Julian Schooley (Slippery Rock University), “Three Virtues of Livable Urban Spaces”

Dr. Chuck Ward (Millersville University), “Evolutionary Psychology and the Problem of Neural Plasticity”


10:45 am-12 p.m.

Keynote Address: “Inklings and Algebra” (Moore Lecture Hall 122)

Dr. Gordon C.F. Bearn, Lehigh University


Session 3: 1:45-3:15 p.m.

3A— SciTech 135 (chair: Dr. Chuck Ward)

Spencer Jay Knafelc (Slippery Rock University), “Nietzsche’s Account of the Death of Attic Tragedy and its Implications”

Adam Riddle (Slippery Rock University), “An Anti-Realist Argument for the Goal of the Natural Sciences”

Dr. John Lizza (Kutztown University), “Animalism and the “Decapitation Gambit”


3B— SciTech 136 (chair: Dr. Martin Weatherston)

Levi Walbert (Kutztown University), “古特- The Sage of the Tao”

Allison Simon (East Stroudsburg University), “Hispanics/Latinos Breaking the Barrier”

Dr. Storm Heter (East Stroudsburg University), “Black Noise/White Ears: Hearing Race in America”


3C – SciTech 137 (chair: Dr. John Kaiser Ortiz)

Jay Winkleman (Kutztown University), “Maximal Knowledge: Gettier Problems as Speech Acts”

James Smith (Independent Scholar), “Details and Trimmings in Plato’s Laches 195a-197e”

Dr. Heon Kim (East Stroudsburg University), “Wuwei and Ecological Self”

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