Anatomage Table Brings Virtual 3D Human Dissection to ESU

Beginning this fall, East Stroudsburg University students will have access to an Anatomage Table, the most technically advanced virtual dissection table for anatomy education. The table will be used by professors in the College of Health Sciences, particularly for anatomy and physiology courses and clinical classes. The table presents anatomy as a fully interactive, life-sized touch screen experience.

The Anatomage table is a segmented real human 3D anatomy system that allows students to visualize anatomy without fresh cadavers. “We do not have the proper facility for cadaver dissections at ESU,” explained Gerard D. Rozea, Ph.D., associate professor and chair of athletic training. The table allows students to dissect the human body over and over again, closely examining different layers of the body. “We now have the ability to dissect in 3D, and then reconstruct the body. The level of exploration and learning is limitless.”

Use of the Anatomage Table in classrooms has proven to improve test scores and student retention. Students are also exposed to different anatomical variations and a large number of pathological variations. The accurate details and rich content draw students’ interest and attention leading to more effective education outcomes.

It will also help prepare students for the real world with hands-on experience. “This is an amazing tool, it will really help students understand the anatomy of their patients and relate to clinical skills and experiences they have as they will virtually rotate the patient’s body around and can zoom in to see the structures clearly.  The table will allow students to interact with different types of bodies – male, female, young, old – as opposed to working with cadavers that are typically aged. For students studying athletic training, that can make a huge difference,” Dr. Rozea said.

The table will be available for professors to incorporate into their curriculum this academic year. “We are extremely proud to continue the ESU tradition of putting students first and to be adding another cutting-edge technology to our educational toolbox. The Anatomage Table brings increased student participation and state-of-the-art learning technology to all ESU students taking health science and other science courses,” said Denise Seigart, Ph.D., dean of the college of health sciences.

For more information about the Anatomage Table, contact Rozea at 570-422-3065, or email To see an example of the Anatomage Table technology, watch a YouTube video provided by the company,

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