Senior Interns with Congresswoman

Susan Wild and Lauryn Antoine

Lauryn Antoine, a senior majoring in political science at East Stroudsburg University, will spend the duration of the fall 2019 semester as a congressional intern with U.S. Rep. Susan Wild’s district office in Stroudsburg, Pa.

Antoine will perform a number of tasks in the district office, including day-to-day office work such as answering phones, answering constituent letters on various issues, and attending meetings and events with the congresswoman and staffers. In addition, she will assist with constituent casework and work on district-based projects of importance.

By observing firsthand, the East Stroudsburg native will develop political awareness and crucial job skills. “I am very excited to engage and serve the needs of citizens of my community. This experience will fine-tune my skills for future employment,” Antoine said.

“As soon as I read Lauryn’s resume I knew she would be a perfect fit for our Stroudsburg office and would contribute a lot to our team,” said Sabrina McLaughlin, the Constituent Advocacy Director who staffs the congresswoman’s Stroudsburg office and who also selects interns for all of the congresswoman’s district offices. “Lauryn’s background in diversity education and advocacy for domestic violence victims especially stood out. We are fortunate to have her as part of our intern team.”

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