Several Continuing Education Workshops held at ESU for Licensed Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists and Professional Counselors
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Sociology, Social Work and Criminal Justice has taken steps to enable licensed professionals to complete the 30 hours of continuing education required every two years to renew their licenses by the Pennsylvania Board of Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists and Professional Counselors.
“For many years licensed social workers, marriage and family therapists and professional counselors in our community have often needed to travel to the Lehigh Valley or the Scranton-Wilkes Barre area in order to complete the majority of their continuing education training, and now they can complete their hours here at ESU,” said John Kraybill-Greggo, Ph.D., associate professor and chair of sociology, social work and criminal justice.
May 11, 2016 - No Comments - Read more
Honor Society Students Meet Middle School Pen Pals
Six student members of East Stroudsburg University’s (ESU) Sigma Pi Epsilon Delta honor society made a trip to visit their pen pals from Bethlehem Area School District Northeast Middle School (NMS) in April after a year of correspondence.
Coordinated by NMS Learning Support Teacher Ms. Lisa Craven and Dr. Caroline DiPipi-Hoy, associate professor of special education and rehabilitation at ESU, the program allowed students from both groups to socialize, play games, and talk about their letter-exchange experiences.
May 10, 2016 - No Comments - Read More
Office of Sponsored Projects and Research Holds First Firecracker Event: Focus on Faculty Research
On Tuesday, April 19, the Office of Sponsored Projects and Research (OSPR) at ESU held its first “Firecracker” event. ESU faculty had exactly five minutes to present an area of their research in order to spark interest in a wide range of teaching and research topics. Ten faculty members were timed as they shared their varied interests and areas of study with attendees. The faculty represented a handful of ESU’s academic departments and the presentations covered topics ranging from 3D printing to app development.
Firecracker was inspired by TED Talks and is utilized to enhance inter-department relationships while encouraging faculty to continue conducting research in their specific areas of interest.
May 10, 2016 - No Comments - Read More
ESU Announces University Leadership Award and University Service Award Winners
The University Leadership Award and the University Service Award are the highest non-academic honors a senior can receive. To be eligible for either award, a student must have attended the university for at least two years and have a cumulative grade point average of 2.60 or above.
May 10, 2016 - No Comments - Read More
ESU to Host Spring Commencement Exercises May 6, 7
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania will award a record 1,166 degrees at separate commencement exercises for undergraduate and graduate students on May 6 and 7.
ESU will hold three graduation ceremonies: one for graduate students on Friday, May 6 at 7 p.m. and two ceremonies for undergraduate students on Saturday, May 7.
May 6, 2016 - One Comment - Read More
Physics Department to Host Observation of Transit of Mercury Monday, May 9
The physics department at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania invites the public to observe a celestial event known as the Transit of Mercury on Monday, May 9, 2016 between 12 noon and 2:30 p.m.
“The Mercury Transit is extremely rare, occurring only 13 times each century,” said David Buckley, Ph.D., professor of physics. “It’s exciting to be able to share such a unique event with our community.”
May 6, 2016 - No Comments - Read More
Sam Rudy, Press Agent for the Musical Hamilton, Shares Insights into Promoting Broadway Productions
Rudy took many questions from more than 50 students at the two-hour session sponsored by ESU’s Department of Theatre with the support of an ‘entrepreneurship across the colleges’ grant. “Every work of art is different and people respond to a variety of things,” he said.
During a short break in the discussion, ESU musical theatre majors Sam Kashefska, a freshman from Scotrun, Pa. and Cherval Royster, a sophomore from Philadelphia, Pa., performed the opening number from Hamilton delighting both Rudy and their fellow students.
May 4, 2016 - One Comment - Read More
East Stroudsburg University Foundation Announces Funding for Seven Faculty Grants
The East Stroudsburg University Foundation announced the funding of seven faculty grants totaling $6,242.
The faculty grants are designed to give faculty members the opportunity to pursue needed educational resources and conduct research that benefits the university’s students.The ESU Foundation secures private funds from generous philanthropists within the community – and beyond – with every dollar having a direct impact on the quality of education that students receive. A total of 12 grants proposals were submitted totaling $10,212. Projects were evaluated on their ability to advance the academic and educational mission of ESU and the demonstrable need for the grant in accordance with university, school and departmental priorities.
May 4, 2016 - No Comments - Read More
ESU Graduates First Cohort of Exercise Science Students in Accelerated Program
In 2013, East Stroudsburg University’s exercise science department launched an accelerated program, which allowed students to earn their bachelor’s degrees in three years. In the spring of 2016, the department is graduating its first cohort from the program.
“We are so proud of these students and all they have accomplished,” Shala Davis, Ph.D., professor and chair of exercise science, said. “We tell our prospective accelerated students to take advantage of every opportunity to garner experience and gain a competitive edge in the professional market, and these students did that.”
May 3, 2016 - No Comments - Read More
Sixteen Students Inducted into National Political Science Honor Society
Sixteen East Stroudsburg University (ESU) students were inducted into Iota Chi, ESU’s chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honor society, according to Ko Mishima, Ph.D., associate professor of political science, and Iota Chi’s faculty adviser.
After being inducted, individuals are rewarded with a lifetime membership to the nationally recognized organization, Pi Sigma Alpha. Members will have access to local lectures discussing key political topics, as well as regular national events hosted by Pi Sigma Alpha.
May 3, 2016 - No Comments - Read More